About Housing Justice
“I was actually able to stay in my house because of them. Otherwise I would have been homeless.” (Housing Justice Client)
Everyone has the right to safe and secure housing. We know that housing issues are complex, and often the result of other problems in people’s lives, including financial hardship, debt, family violence, and mental health. Housing Justice stands up for the rights of tenants, helping people to solve the problems affecting their tenancy so that they can stay in their rental homes.
Our team is based in Bendigo and provides tenancy information, advice and practical support to people living in private rental properties or social housing across Central Victoria.
We help people who are
- Struggling to pay rent
- Finding it difficult to keep their rental home clean and tidy
- Settling into a new rental home or wanting to connect with community support
- At risk of eviction or challenging a Notice to Vacate
- In a dispute with their property manager or landlord
- Negotiating with a government or community housing agency
- Attending the Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
- Experiencing other issues that are affecting their tenancy
Tenancy Plus
This service supports people in public and community housing to sustain their tenancies. Our Housing Advocates work with clients to create a support plan that is tailored to their specific needs and personal goals.
Tenant Assistance and Advocacy Program (TAAP)
This service supports vulnerable tenants in private rental properties, including privately operated rooming houses and caravan parks. Our Housing Advocates provide information and advice to tenants about their rights and responsibilities, help to negotiate with property managers and landlords, and advocacy support at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).
Client Stories
Amanda's Story
Amanda, her husband and their three young children had been renting a small Bendigo unit for six years when their landlord conducted a regular property inspection. Amanda’s landlord always attended the property inspections in person, which she found ‘nerve-racking’, as the landlord always ‘expected things a certain way’. During the inspection, the landlord complained that one wheel of the family’s car was partially parked on the grass in their driveway.

Richard's Story
Skye's Story
Are you contacting us on behalf of a client?
For information on referral options, see How to make a referral, or send us a referral email by completing below:
Emergency Contacts
Other support services that are available to help you 24-hours a day include:
13 11 14
Safe Steps Family Violence Help Line
1800 015 188
Men’s Line
1300 78 99 78
Kids Help Line
1800 55 1800