Goulburn Valley Community Legal Centre
Goulburn Valley Community Legal Centre (GVCLC) is based in Shepparton and provides free legal information, advice and representation services to people living in Northern and North East Victoria.
We help people who are experiencing disadvantage, who cannot afford a lawyer, or who have other complex needs. GVCLC is a generalist legal service, with a specialist Family Violence Program and dedicated legal support services for the Aboriginal community at Rumbalara in Mooroopna.

Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre
Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre (LCCLC) is based in Bendigo and provides free legal information, advice and representation services to people living in Central Victoria.
We help people who are experiencing disadvantage, who cannot afford a lawyer, or who have other complex needs. LCCLC is a generalist legal service, with dedicated Child Protection and Family Violence Programs. We partner with health and family violence services in Bendigo and Maryborough to ensure that people with complex legal, health and social programs have access to integrated support.

Housing Justice
Everyone has the right to safe and secure housing. Housing Justice stands up for the rights of tenants, helping people to solve their tenancy problems and stay in their rental homes.
Our Housing Justice team is based in Bendigo and provides tenancy information, advice and practical support to people living in private rental properties or social housing across Central Victoria.