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Learning is a key principle that underlines everything we do at ARC Justice. We use data to inform our decisions, and work alongside our community partners to ensure that our work is evidence-based and grounded in local knowledge and expertise.   

We are committed to strengthening our monitoring, evaluation and learning processes to increase our impact and accountability. This includes regular monitoring of our projects and programs, and periodic evaluations of our practice and partnership models.



Our Theory of Change 

ARC Justice’s Theory of Change outlines how we contribute to meaningful social impact. 

We monitor our actions and the short-term outcomes that we are achieving to to track our progress and reflect on what is working well, or not so well, adjusting our work if required. 

Periodically we pause to evaluate our programs, services and partnerships more deeply, reflecting on and critically assessing our work to learn more about how we are contributing to the intermediate and longer-term outcomes that we aim to achieve.

The diagram below outlines this Theory of Change and guides how we plan, implement, monitor and evaluate our work.





Client Feedback 

In addition to our Suggestions & Complaints process, we proactively seek feedback from our clients and partners. 

Each year we conduct an Annual Client Feedback survey to learn how our services are making a difference in people’s lives, and to identify opportunities for service improvement.

We welcome the input of our clients, and value their lived experience. Feedback helps us to ensure that we are meeting community needs and expectations.


“I was able to fully understand the legal side of the problem, given options, also validated in my concerns, and felt the service was empathetic and professional.” – LCCLC Client Feedback Survey 2019

“[their help] made a massive difference. Meant I didn’t lose my license and didn’t lose my job so I could keep providing for my family” – GVCLC Client Feedback Survey 2019

“I was actually able to stay in my house because of them. Otherwise I would have been homeless.” – Housing Justice Client Feedback Survey 2019



We are committed to continuous learning and improvement in the delivery and evaluation of our projects and programs, and to sharing the lessons we are learning with our community and stakeholders.

We continue to add published evaluation reports to the list below:

Bendigo Health Justice Partnership – Final Evaluation Report

Shepparton Therapeutic Justice Partnership – Final Evaluation Report