If you have a legal problem and need help, please contact us.
Our community legal centres are located in Bendigo and Shepparton. We provide free legal advice and assistance to people across Central and North Eastern Victoria. Our lawyers can help with a wide range of legal problems, including family violence, child protection, family law, minor criminal law and general civil law matters. We offer face-to-face and telephone advice appointments. Our priority is to help people in the community who are on a low income or experiencing other types of social or economic disadvantage.
To find out how we can help you, please call us or use the Legal Help Request Form below.

171 Hargreaves St, Bendigo VIC 3550
Phone: (03) 5445 0909
FREECALL: 1800 450 909

Suite 1/1 High St, Shepparton VIC 3630
Phone: (03) 5831 0900
FREECALL: 1800 310 900
Click on the map to find the office nearest to you
Legal Help Request Form
Fill in the form below to contact us for help. If your matter is urgent, or you have a court date coming up, please call us.
Emergency Contacts
Other support services that are available to help you 24-hours a day include:
13 11 14
Safe Steps Family Violence Help Line
1800 015 188
Men’s Line
1300 78 99 78
Kids Help Line
1800 55 1800
We value, respect and are committed to diversity and inclusion for all.